Results Found (146)

Camp Namanu Centennial

Centennial Sponsor

Camp Fire Columbia presents SPARK! (Virtual)

Spark is Camp Fire Columbia’s signature gala featuring a casual vibe, fun activities, online and live auction, and opportunities to help Camp Fire Columbia achieve its Mission of building lasting, equitable, and caring relationships with nature, others, and ourselves.

Calliope “Seedling” Crane (she/her/hers)

Seedling was born in California, raised mostly in Maine, and has lived in 14 states plus the District of Columbia. She has spent most of her nursing career serving the LGBTQIA+ community and remained committed to focusing on social justice and equity in health care. Seedling was a camp nurse for 9 summers where she…

Program Forms

Allergy Care Plan Permission to Attend Contracted Services Medication Release Form 2023 Shared Care of Plan Form  

Spark 2023

CLICK HERE TO WATCH LIVE STREAM BEGINNING AT 7:00PM Attend/Sponsor Register to Bid Online Auction Donate \r\ngl=document.createElement(‘script’);gl.src=’https:\/\/\/widgets\/branded_donation\/camp-fire-columbia\/spark-2023.js’;document.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0].appendChild(gl);\r\n”, “_embed-with-content_embed”: “field_embed-with-content_embed”, “embed-with-content_content”: “”, “_embed-with-content_content”: “field_embed-with-content_content”, “unique_id”: “”, “_unique_id”: “field_block_default_embed-with-content_unique_id”, “block_option_custom_class”: “”, “_block_option_custom_class”: “field_block_default_embed-with-content_custom_class”, “block_option_padding”: [ “pt-0”, “pb-0” ], “_block_option_padding”: “field_block_option_embed-with-content_padding”, “block_option_hide”: “”, “_block_option_hide”: “field_block_option_embed-with-content_hiding”, “block_settings_add_divider”: “divider-none”, “_block_settings_add_divider”: “field_block_settings_add_divider” }, “align”: “”, “mode”: “preview” } /–>

YOUth Belong Here

Need More Reasons to Give Today? Mentoring programs for youth focused on meeting the unique needs of teens! Youth are STRONG when they feel that they belong! Continuing 100 years of Camp Namanu traditions like archery, weaving, and camp fire songs that enable all youth to realize their power and potential outdoors!

Burt Keplinger

Camp Namanu Director of Property

Cyric Willard

Camp Namanu Rentals Manager

Alea Armintrout

Namanu Program and Registration Support

Levi Miller

Before and After School Program Aide 2, Sunset Primary